Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The search for options pertaining to the Christian life

During one of our Tuesday night youth group meetings, the teens were given a task of reading through Romans 12 and finding all the options pertaining to the Christian life. We called them options because we must choose whether or not to follow. We all agreed that since God's holy word the Bible said it then we must strive to follow them every day of our lives.

Here is a small part of that ten minute investigation done by the teens of OCBC.

Romans 12: 1-21

1. Be willing to give your all for God.

a. Be holy and acceptable

2. Be not conformed to this world

a. Renew your mind

3. Be humble and sober

4. Work together with our fellow Christian brothers and sisters

5. Because we are all one in Christ.

6. We all have different gifts

a. We are one body in Christ

7. Make sure our faith is proportion to what we teach

8. Everything we do needs to be done truthfully through the modest and humble example of Christ

9. Have everybody stay away from bad, cling to what is good

10. Be kind to other Christians

11. Not lagging in diligence

a. Fervent in spirit

b. Serving the Lord

12. Rejoice

a. Patient in trials

b. Pray

13. Hospitality

14. Bless them that persecute you

15. Having Empathy with others - the ability to identify with and understand somebody else's feelings or difficulties

16. Be of the same mind

a. Do not be wise in your own opinion

17. Do not repay evil with evil

a. Be honest in all things

18. Live peacefully with all men

19. Do not avenge

20. Show good to enemies

21. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

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