Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rachel Scott

"I lost all my friends at school. Now that I've begun to 'walk my talk', the make fun of me." Rachel's journal entries shower her disappointment that the very people whom she wanted to show Christ's love turned away from her. But she wouldn't give in.
"I am not going to apologize for speaking the name of Jesus. I will take it. If my friends have to become my enemies for me to be with my best friend, Jesus, then that's fine with me. I always knew being a Christian means having enemies, but I never thought that my friends were going to be those enemies"
Rachel was a student at Columbine High school on the day two students opened fire in the school. One gunman asked her if she still believed in God. She look him in the eye and said yes. she still believed. He asked her why, but he didn't let her answer before killing her. 
Rachel Scott passed her test, and because she did, her light reached beyond her school to around the world. Long before the test came, Rachel expressed her willingness to give her all for Christ. The words from her journal, written exactly on year before her death, tell about her commitment. "I am not going to hide the light that God has put into me. If I have to sacrifice everything, I will."
That all happened in the great U.S.A.
Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see you goods works, and glorify you Father which is in Heaven."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Are you ready for the extreem?

Just as Pastor Li Dexian began his sermon, the doors of the house church burst open. Armed officers of the Chinese Public Security Bureau poured into the room, threatening everyone present and grabbing Li to arrest him. 
"Wait, please allow me to grab my bag." As always, the pastors tone with the officers was polite yet firm. The officers were surprised at the request. "Whats in there?" they demanded, grabbing the black zippered bag Li held and ripping it open. The bag contained  a blanket and a spare change of clothes, Li told them, because he had been expecting to be arrested that day. 
Pastor Li had been arrested many times. Twice, police had beaten to the point that he vomited blood, and one time Li's face was beaten with his own bible. Li was warned that police were watching the village where he held his Tuesday meetings. Today, Chinese citizens can be sent to labor camps for up to three years without a formal trial. 
The risks were great, but Li's bag was packed. More than having a bag packed, though, he had his mind and heart prepared. He was willing to pay any cost to preach the gospel. He was convinced God would care for him - even in prison.   Readiness is a sign of commitment, are you committed to Christ? 
1 Peter 4:12 - "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What do Lightning bugs and humans have in common?

It is their ability to produce light. What is the main purpose of the light produced by fireflies? It is to serve as a homing beacon to attract potential mates. This amazing creature God created with such a unique tool that sets it apart from other bugs. You might say well who cares about fireflies? The answer is God does. God made each of us so different from each other and yet we are all still humans that have the breath of God in us. Jesus said that we are the lights of the world. It’s funny that one of the key ingredients that allow a lightning bug to grow is oxygen.  Oxygen is what we need to survive. How do we keep the light on in our house? You might say “Pay your electric bill”, although that is right for the physical, but what about the spiritual side. Can your light ever go out? The answer is no for those that know Jesus as their personal Savior. We keep our light burning hot and bright by learning about the heavenly Father every day through His written word. You might never see a lightning bug during the day but you know that they are there because when night comes they are faithfully shinning their God given lights.

It is a dark world out there and it’s not getting any brighter. God gave us homing beacons so that the lost may see us.  Its time for us to let our “lights so shine before men that they might see our good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” We reflect the true light of God.

The One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven