Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Evidence in the Sand

If you have ever been on the beach first thing after a storm you will notice something missing. What is it? No footprints! The rain the storm brought took away any evidence that any foot had set foot on it. Storms seem to erase the footprints that we leave in life, but there are the memories of before and during the storm that stick with us. The early Christians died for the cause of Christ and many died terrible deaths. Those doing the killing thought that by killing them would squelch the cause. The storm might of erased their physical footprints but their legacy was passed on. This last Sunday we celebrated Easter. We are reminded of the sacrifice of Jesus and all that He did for us and is still doing in our lives. Christ did let the storm wash away the evidence of His life, for He entrusted it to the men that served Him and many more. Paul reminded the Corinthian church (1 Cor. 15:1) that he had preached the gospel to them and that they had received and that they could be confident that God had them secure. 
Don't let storms discourage you, for we all go through them. But remember that Jesus paid the ultimate price for you, and that He doesn't want you to worry about the storms. Trust in Him. You can take cover in the Lords arms during the storm, but once the storm is gone get back out there and leave footprints in the sand.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Are you ready?

Are you ready for Eternity? If so, are you helping other get ready for that journey into eternity that each of us must take? Are you ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you? As believers we all know we should tell others about the Lord and what he has done for us. To many times we don't take advantage of the opportunities that God is giving us. To many times we have allowed our God given senses to be turned off when an unbeliever is in our presence. Jesus said in John 7:38, "He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his heart shall flow rives of living water." We have rivers of water that flow from us that only come from the Holy Spirit. Have you become like the Colorado river that flows at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, that seems so out of reach and so hard to get to for those that are lost? We are the ones that God has given the charge of spreading the gospel.
Please watch the video below that speaker Mark Cahill gave and ask yourself what am I doing to put myself in situations of sharing the faith in Christ that we have? 

The One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven